Saturday, November 20, 2010


What's WhatsApp?
Good news for heavy SMS/MMS-users! Now you can sms/mms, for FREE!
WhatsApp Messenger is a smartphone messaging application that allows you to send and receive messages to and from your friends and contacts without paying for SMS. It is cross platform and is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android and Nokia (beta) and of course, all these phones can all communicate with each other! To send and receive messages, It uses your existing smartphone internet data plan: 3G/EDGE (or Wi-Fi when available)

On top of messaging, iPhone, Android and BlackBerry WhatsApp Messenger users can send each other unlimited multimedia images, video and audio media messages. All at no extra cost! Whereas, you pay hefty fees, when smsing. Great Application, you shouldn't miss to save your hard-earned monies!

It only works among users who have downloaded and installed the application, so after you download it, make sure to use the "Tell a Friend" feature to share it with your friends and contacts in your address book.

And yes, of course BlackBerry, Android, Nokia and iPhone contacts can message each other - Download WhatsApp today from their site

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Making & Saving Money: Recognising Market Cycles

Part and parcel of making and saving money is knowing when and where to park or invest your moneys. Today, I Came across this interesting article entitled Living on the Investing Pendulum — And Getting Free by Michael Kay. Here are some poignant quotes taken from his article.

"Life is all about cycles; market cycles, life cycles, product cycles and even societal cycles. History bears that out pretty clearly. Lo and behold, even the unemployment figures are better today than six months ago, but no one was grabbing onto that, just the future cast of doom, gloom and the end of life, as we know it."

"Living in the extremes, under false beliefs and greed-based decision-making is rarely a successful methodology for living a satisfying money life. Jumping off the pendulum means understanding that cycles exist and what was once at the top, might be at the bottom tomorrow, only to rise back to the top another day. It means acknowledging that technologies that exist today, might look very different tomorrow as will the companies that currently bring those products to the market. We need to break free of the belief that current realities will always be. It means finding comfort in change and maybe even changing the channel."

Learning to Recognize these patterns of Market Cycle Changes and adapting ourselves to these Cycles of Change is the master-key to our Financial Survival and the mainstay of the avenue for us to avoid the potentially painful risk of investment and financial losses.

This is of course easier said than done, as it involves a life-time of financial education. Nevertheless, this knowledge in itself is a major breakthrough in the right direction.

Wishing you, all the best in all your endeavors in investing your money.